10 Contoh Recount Text Singkat tentang Liburan yang Menarik

10 Contoh Recount Text Singkat tentang Liburan yang Menarik

Terkini | inews | Minggu, 1 September 2024 - 23:50

JAKARTA, iNews.id - Contoh recount text singkat tentang liburan bisa dipelajari oleh siswa. Biasanya guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa untuk menuliskan pengalaman liburan semasa libur sekolah.

Mengutip Shinoda dkk (2014), dalam bukunya yang berjudul Teaching English as A Foreign Language, recount text dibuat dengan tujuan menceritakan peristiwa masa lalu yang terjadi secara runtut.

Salah satu yang jadi perbedaan pada recount text dengan teks berbahasa Inggris lainnya adalah teks ini menggunakan past tense, adverb dan adverbial phrase, dan conjunction.

Lantas, seperti apa bentuk contoh recount text singkat tentang liburan? Melansir berbagai sumber, Sabtu (31/8/2024), berikut iNews.id akan berikan informasinya.

Contoh Recount Text Singkat Tentang Liburan

1. My Grandpa Hometown

Last week, my family and I were in my grandpas hometown. It is our annual agenda every holiday in the end of Semester. Unfortunately, it was the rainy season there.it rained almost every day there. We had no enough time to visit some tourism places there because of the rain.

We had not enough sunlight even to dry up our laundry. As a result, we just stayed at home almost all day long. Seeing the condition, we decided to make an interesting activity indoor to spend the holiday together. The activity we chose that day was making funny videos directed by me.

2. Explore the City

Yesterday, my boss gave me a day off. Since I did not plan anything for the day off, I finally decided to explore the city by riding a motorcycle.

It was 9 on a Tuesday morning. I took out my motorcycle from the garage and rode it around the city streets. First, I stopped by a market to buy some traditional snacks for my breakfast.

After having my stomach loaded, I continued my sudden stroll to the corner of the city which had many old buildings with paved roads. After getting there, I parked my motorcycle and then walked around the paved road.

3. Go to Fishing

Three days ago, l went to the lake for fishing. It was the suitable time for fishing because I had nothing to do. I went there with my friends.I woke up earlier in the morning and prepared everything. Not long after that, my friends came and we went to the lake we have decided before to start fishing.

Arriving at the lake, I directly searched the best spot to get a giant fish. After searching for about ten minutes, finally I found the spot. It was under the big tree at the bank of the lake. I threw my hook as far as I could then I waited for the fish eating my bait.

It had been 15 minutes and I finally saw the sign that there was a fish eating my bait. I tried to pull it up and i succeeded. I got a three kilogram fish. I was so excited. I threw the hook again and again. I got more than ten fish that day.

I enjoyed the moment so much that i didnt realized that the sun had already set. I called my friends and we went home.I got so many fish that day even though i was so tired. I think i will visit the spot again in the next holiday.

4. Camping on The Beach

Last Saturday, my friends and I went to the beach for camping. We set up a tent on the white sand beach. There were 3 tents with 3 people for each one.

Soon after the three tents were set up, we prepared our meals. My job was to cook instant noodles and fry some nuggets. In the meantime, one of my friends made some cups of coffee and hot chocolate for all of us.

Meanwhile, some other friends were trying to make a camp fire several meters from our tents.

At that time, the wind was so calm and cool. After the camp fire was lit, we sat in a circle around it, sang our favorite songs, and enjoyed our dinner together.

That night, we did not sleep until the morning came. I was so tired, but it was an amazing moment that I would not forget.

5. Staycation in Bali

By the end of December last year, I went to Bali on my own to enjoy a short escape. I booked a hotel room in Nusa Dua, Bali for a two-night staycation.

After arriving at the hotel at 1 in the afternoon, the staff welcomed me with fresh and cold welcoming drinks. Then, one of them helped me bringing my bags to the room I had booked before.

When I entered the room, I instantly loved the interior as well as the furniture. After taking care of my luggage, I took some time to soak myself in a large bathtub.

When the sun was setting, I went down and took a walk around the hotel which was located near a beautiful beach. There was a cafe that was not far from my hotel. I went to the cafe and sat on one of the sofas near the beach.

While waiting for the sun to go down, I ordered a glass of mocktail. Then, I spent some time taking some selfies with my mobile camera.

After witnessing the sunset view, I went back to the hotel. Before going to bed, I played some music and wrote in my journal.

Staycation was my way to give myself a quality me-time among the rushing routines.

6. Marathon Korean Drama with Best Friend

It was the third day of the school holiday. I was only lying on my bed until I got a message from my friend. She is one of my best friends from elementary school. She told me she wanted to come to my house because she was so bored. Then I said okay, you can come to my place.

When she arrived, she had bought a bunch of snacks and two boxes of chili oil dumplings. She knows what I love. It was so delicious. We ate all of them while doing marathon Korean dramas. The dramas were good. We loved the actor and the story.

After 4 hours of watching Korean dramas, she asked me to join her trip around the city. She told so many details of the trip. She plans a one day trip to Jakarta old town. Museum Sejarah Jakarta, Museum Bank Mandiri and Kalibesar were the destinations. So the day after, we went on the trip together.

7. Remembering the Good Time

That was December 26 last year. That day I had no plans. My body just reached a pile of books and photo albums at the corner of my house. My head just threw back to the time that the photo was captured.

There was a photo when I was a little girl. Our dad and mom hug me tight. There was also a photo of my grandparents when we went on holiday to Bali together. That was a good time to remember.

I ended up cleaning that corner of my house. Decluttered things like books, bunches of random papers and organized photo albums. It was such a memorable time I had during last year's holiday. I remembered the last time I met my grandparents, I missed them. I hope I can meet them this year.

8. The Day of Journaling

2 days after new year, I sat on my desk chair and thought about everything. I grabbed my last year's journal and gave some checked lists of bunches wish come true that year.

There were bad and good memories that came to my head. I remembered the time I rushed into hospital because my arm was broken after tennis day. So I couldnt do tennis for 6 months. One of my wishes that came true is when I traveled around Europe! That was a good memory.

After completing my last years journal, I was ready to write my next journal. I had a plan to visit a new place this year. I enjoyed journaling and planning what I want to do this year. The day ran so fast. It was midnight when I finished writing my whole journal.

9. A Productive Holiday: Family House Party

Since in the morning my house was so busy. My dad and my younger brother lifted sofas and placed them on the front terrace while my mom and I were busy in the kitchen. It was the 2nd day of Lebaran day.

At 9 am, some family members, such as my aunties and uncles, came from the other city. It was our big family tradition to visit relatives on the 2nd of Lebaran day. They came with souvenirs they brought from their house. There were snacks, cookies, any kind of fruit and ketupat.

My familys house was chosen to be the place of a small house party because my mom is the 1st child in her family. It was a Javanese tradition, coming to the oldest child house when Lebaran came.

At the end of the day, our families together cleaned up my house before they went home. It helped us so much after the house party. I loved being at my big familys house party.

10. My Unforgettable New Year Holiday

Last New Year's holiday was very memorable for me. In the morning of December 31, my family and I went to Bogor to visit our relatives who live there. We spent the whole day having fun with my cousins at their house.

At night, we went to a carnival near the Botanical Garden to celebrate New Year's Eve. The carnival was very crowded and lively. There were many food stalls selling snacks, drinks, and local dishes. We tried various foods while waiting for the fireworks.

When it was almost midnight, we gathered at an open field with many other visitors. Everyone looked so excited. At midnight sharp, beautiful fireworks with various colors decorated the sky for about 10 minutes, accompanied by cheerful shouts of 'Happy New Year!'. It was such a fantastic moment.

After that, my dad drove us to look around the city which was still bustling despite being so late into the night. We finally arrived home at 2 a.m., feeling so happy and content with our New Year celebration this time. It was an unforgettable holiday for me and my family!

Itulah ulasan mengenai contoh recount text singkat tentang liburan. Semoga bermanfaat.

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